Jual Kompas Brunton Truarc7

Hasil gambar untuk Kompas Brunton Truarc7

Spesifikasi Kompas Brunton Truarc7

Model Tru Arc 7
TruArc™ 7 mirrored compasses feature an inclinometer for measuring apparent tree heights and gauging avalanche danger and can be used as a sighting tool for even more accurate headings. TruArc™ Global Needle system and tool-less declination compensation ensures worldwide compatibility.
Hasil gambar untuk Kompas Brunton Truarc72.9” x 3.9” x 0.8” (7.4 x 9.9 x 2cm)
2.2 ounces (62 grams)
TruArcTM Global Needle, 2 degree
resolution; Sighting mirror; Clinometer
Berdagang alat- alat Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
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Email        : tatangms409@gmail.com 
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