HI 903 Karl Fischer Volumetric Titrator HANNA

Hasil gambar untuk HI 903 Karl Fischer Volumetric Titrator

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Name       : tatang survey
Alamat      : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email        : tatangms409@gmail.com 
Telp          : 082124100046
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<100 ppm to 100%
1 ppm (0.0001%)
Result Units
%, ppm, mg/g, µg/g, mg, µg, mg/mL, µg/mL, mg/pc, µg/pc
Sample Type
liquid or solid

 Pre-Titration Conditioning
 Background Drift Correction
automatic or user selectable value
 Endpoint Criteria
fixed mV persistence, relative drift stop or absolute drift stop
dynamic with optional pre-dispensing rate
 Result Statistic
mean, standard deviation
Clip Lock™:

 Dosing Pump Resolution
1/40000 of the burette volume (0.125 µL per dose)
 Dosing Pump Accuracy
±0.1% of full burette volume
5 mL precision ground glass with PTFE plunger
motor driven 3-way, PTFE liquid contact material
PTFE with light block and thermal jacketing
 Dispensing Tip
glass, fixed position, anti-diffusing
 Titration Vessel
conical with operation volume between 50-150 mL
 Solvent Handling System
sealed system, integrated diaphragm air pump

dual platinum pin, polarisation electrode
 Polarisation Current
1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 40 µA
 Voltage Range
2 mV to 1000 mV
 Voltage Resolution
0.1 mV
 Accuracy (@25ºC/77ºF)
External Stirrer:

magnetic, optically regulated, digital stirrer
200-2000 rpm
100 rpm
Peripheral Devices:

easily view, transfer, print or delete methods and reports via HI-900PC application
 USB Flash Drive
easily upgrade software or transfer methods and reports between devices using a USB drive
 Laboratory Analytical Balance
RS232 to connect any laboratory balance
print directly from the HI 903 to a printer via parallel port
instrument status and titrations can be viewed on a larger screen using any VGA compatible external monitor
alphanumeric text can be entered using an optional PS/2 keyboard
Graphic Display
5.7” (320 x 240 pixel) color LCD
Titration Methods
up to 100 (standard and user) methods
Data Storage
up to 100 complete titration reports and drift rate reports can be stored
GLP Conformity
Good Laboratory Practice and instrument data storage and printing
English, Portuguese and Spanish
Enclosure Material
ABS plastic and steel
Power Supply
“-02” model: 230VAC, 50/60 Hz;
Operating Environment
10 to 40ºC, up to 95% RH
Storage Environment
-20 to 70ºC, up to 95% RH
390 x 350 x 380 mm (15.3 x 13.8 x 14.9”)
approximately 10 kg (22 lbs.)

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